Dr Anders Corr, editor, states in the introduction that China does not seek a shooting war with the United States. Rather, it is pursuing a “Take and Talk” strategy in the South China Sea that has thus far been successful. He argues that China’s immediate goal is to cultivate a “sphere of influence” in East Asia and the Pacific Rim that would rival Japan’s 1938 Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere or the United States’ Monroe Doctrine in the Caribbean Sea and Latin America.
“If you want a [tough] approach to China, look no further than the edited volume Great Powers, Grand Strategies: The New Great Game in the South China Sea.” – The American Interest
“Great Powers, Grand Strategies is an important resource for understanding the ongoing dispute in the South China Sea. In addition to careful examinations of Chinese and U.S. behavior, the book includes chapters exploring the strategies of ASEAN, Russia, and other important but overlooked actors in the dispute.”- Eric Gomez, Policy Analyst, Cato Institute
“An insightful collection of essays focusing on the grand strategies of major powers and international and regional organizations that impact the South China Sea conflict. The essays in this volume provide important perspectives on its likely contours and trajectory.”- Lynn Kuok, Brookings Institution and University of Cambridge
“With a series of well-researched and heavily supported chapters written by regional, political, and military experts, Anders Corr has put together a volume of work that brings together all of the important facts about the challenges in the South China Sea…. This book is recommended for anyone interested in seeing how regional issues can entangle global affairs, those interested in China’s views and motives, or those simply interested in the backstory of one of the world’s most dynamic contemporary territorial disputes…. As the South China Sea is one of the locations most likely to spark a great power conflict, this book is an excellent primer on why great powers are taking their current courses of action, what they might do in the future, and the likely strategies that rivals, allies, and currently nonaligned powers might follow through with if pressed to make a decisive decision.” – Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs
About the Book
Great Powers, Grand Strategies offers the analysis of a dozen experts on the “big picture” approaches to the South China Sea dispute. By exploring the international dimensions of this regional hotspot, Gordon Chang, Bernard Cole, James Fanell, Bill Hayton, and others examine how the military, diplomatic, and economic strategies of the major global actors have both contributed to solutions and exacerbated the potential for conflict. As editor of this volume, Anders Corr seeks to juxtapose the grand strategies of the great powers to determine the likely outcomes of the South China Sea dispute, as well as evaluate the ways to possibly defuse tensions in the region.
About the Editor

Dr. Corr has a B.A. and M.A. in Political Science from Yale University (2001) and a Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University (2008). He is the Principal of Corr Analytics Inc., and the Publisher of the Journal of Political Risk. His books include No Trespassing: Squatting, Rent Strikes and Land Struggles Worldwide (South End Press, 1999), and (editor) Great Powers, Grand Strategies: The New Game in the South China Sea (U.S. Naval Institute Press, 2018). Dr. Corr has conducted quantitative analysis and simulation for the U.S. Pacific Command, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and NATO. He has researched China, Russia, Romania, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Brunei, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Israel and Palestine for private clients. He led the U.S. Army Social Science Research and Analysis group in Afghanistan, which oversaw 600 Afghan contract employees on 44 survey projects, and conducted quantitative predictive analysis of insurgent attacks.
Related Links
Corr, A. (2018) Great Powers, Grand Strategies: The New Game in the South China Sea. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press.